Pregnancy is an epic journey that usually occurs in stages from the first day since conception till the placenta pops out after approximately nine months. It usually occurs in stages with the first one referred to as the first trimester this usually occurs between the first and third month.
First Trimester of Pregnancy
The first trimester is a period of major development of the fetus and of profound physical and emotional changes to the woman. During this stage, the woman’s body undergoes major transformation resulting in the actual development of the fetus.
How Long is First Trimester of Pregnancy
As we divide the trimester into trimesters so it is very simple to calculate how long is the first trimester of pregnancy. Each trimester of pregnancy is simply 3 months long. The first 3 months of pregnancy are called the first trimester of pregnancy. It starts from the 1st week and lasts to week 12.
So, the first trimester of pregnancy is 12 weeks long. The same is the case with the other two trimesters, they are also 12 weeks long each. The third trimester could be different based on when the birth takes place.
Symptoms of First Trimester of Pregnancy
The mother will feel too much fatigue due to the fact that she is working overtime to aid in the development of the fetus. Effects of nausea start to being vivid while the frequency of urinating increases. An increase in progesterone levels results in the breast starting to being too firm with nipples being darker.
Baby Development in First Trimester
The amniotic sack forms around the fertilized egg in the uterus and usually helps in cushioning the embryo through the entire pregnancy and usually accompanied by the development of the placenta that provides nutrients to the fetus. A primitive face of the baby forms with large dark circles of eyes it is also at this stage that mouth, lower jaw, and throat are developing, by the end of the first month the baby is usually 6-7mm inch long
The reason this stage is known as the development stage is that it is usually accompanied by the development of facial features each beginning as a small fold develops. There is the formation of tiny buds which eventually develop arms and legs. The neural tube which constitutes of brain spinal cord and other nervous tissues will be completely formed during the second month and it is at this stage that the embryo starts small movements but usually the mother cannot feel it, by the end of the second month the baby is usually about 2.54cm and weighs about 9 grams.
During the third month, the baby is now officially called the fetus as all the essential features that constitute the human body are now completely formed. The baby at this stage is able to move his/her legs hands and able to open and close its mouth. At this stage is where also small hairs start developing. The baby at the end of the 3rd month is usually 4 inches long and weighs over one ounce.
First Three Months of Pregnancy Dos and Don’ts
Alcohol and cigarette smoking should be completely avoided during this stage as they are known to contribute to higher risks of miscarriages. A well-balanced diet is recommended as there is a requirement of a higher amount of nutrients to help in the development of the baby.
Second Trimester of Pregnancy
This is the 2nd period of pregnancy usually lasting from the 4th to the 6th month and usually brings a new sense of being as the baby vital visible features are usually developed. Nausea and fatigue that the mother experienced in the first trimester subside and most women usually find this the most smooth sailing stage of pregnancy. The abdomen usually expands drastically to accommodate the movements of the baby.
Symptoms of Second Trimester of Pregnancy
Breasts start becoming larger due to increased levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body and milk-producing glands become larger. The uterus prepares for the job ahead by contracting to store more energy and Braxton hicks contraction may start to be felt in the lower abdomen.
Skin areas on the mother start being darker due to increased blood circulation and constant exposure to the sun is known to increase the situation. Contacting a health provider is also vital at this stage as due to the expansion of the uterus hormonal changes may slow the flow of urine leading to risks of kidney and bladder infections.
Second Trimester Baby Development
The baby is characterized by being able to suck his thumb yawn and even stretch especially in the 4th month, this period is also characterized by well-developed fingers and toes of the baby, teeth and bones also start being denser.
The nervous system of the baby becomes fully operational as he can hear some small sounds and even have a sense of feel. The doctor at this stage can be able to determine what kind of gender the baby is because of the well-developed genitals and reproductive organs.
During the fifth month, the hair starts growing in the lanugo and the head and soft fine hair will cover her /his shoulder s back, and temples as it is essential in protecting the baby, this hair is often shed after birth. The baby’s skin is protected from long exposure to the amniotic fluid by a hit coating known as Vernix caseosa. This period is also characterized by baby body movement due to a vast development of muscles as he tries to exercise them and by the end of the fifth month would be weighing up to 1 pound and 10 inches long.
Eyes begin to open in the sixth month while eyelids start to part and the baby starts to move as he tries to respond to sounds, jerking motions of the baby hiccups may also come into play. The babies fingers and toes begin to be highly visible characterized by redskin the baby at the end of this stage will be weighing 2 pounds and 12 inches long
Third Trimester of Pregnancy
When is Third Trimester of Pregnancy
This is usually the last stage of child development in the womb and can be physically and emotionally challenging. If you want to know how many weeks for 3rd trimester, then it starts from the 27th week of pregnancy and lasts until the end of pregnancy. It can end in the 9th month, or even in the 10th month.
Problems of Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Usually, the baby’s positioning and size may make it hard for the mother to be comfortable. The mother usually drinks lots of water during this period and the belly gets bigger and bigger.
The mother’s breast grows into a bigger size with additional 2 pounds and as delivery approaches the nipples could start leaking colostrums a yellow fluid that nourishes the baby. The mother usually weighs 25-36 pounds more than her usual weight. This is usually due to the weight of the baby the placenta and amniotic fluid.
The baby is now fully grown and the mother usually experiences lots of kicks making her belly pain. The baby will be test driving some nifty skills like blinking dreaming and regulating body temperature in the 7th month. During this month the baby will get signals from all senses perceiving light and dark tasting whatever her mother ingests or even listening to sounds.
During the 8th month of pregnancy baby boy’s testicles start their downward journey from the abdomen to the scrotum and the baby’s noggins move downward too. If the baby is prematurely born at this stage he/she has a good chance of surviving through incubators.
The mother will certainly be feeling foot up around the ribcage due to the massive growth of the baby into 16 inches long and approximately four pounds. The baby’s brain is developing rapidly and at this time he/she can see and hear, most of her internal systems are well developed but the lungs may still be immature.
The 9th month is the last period of child development in the mothers and usually, by the end of this month, the baby is supposed to pop out. The lungs at this month will be fully developed and ready to operate. The baby’s reflexes will be well-coordinated such that he/she can close the eyes turn the head and be able to respond to sounds light and touch.
During this last month, when the baby’s position changes to prepare itself for labor and delivery. The baby drops down into the pelvis region of the mother and most of the time his/her head facing down toward the birth canal. By the end of this period, the baby is usually 46-51 inches long, weighing up to 3.2 kg.
The mother during the last month may feel a surge in energy a few days to labor and mucus plug will expel this month meaning labor is round the corner.

Myself Aditya and I am from Mumbai, India. As an intern, I joined the local news agency in Mumbai named “The Mumbai News”. Now I am working with various News Agencies and I provide them reports from Mumbai and other parts of India.