YouTube is one of the most popular and free video-sharing websites and also one of the easiest websites to search and watch videos online. It not only gives the facility to watch videos but you can also rate them and adds your own comments. It has become a popular platform for getting publicity or sharing your talents.
Many of us would like to download videos from the YouTube website so that we can watch them anywhere, anytime whether there is internet or not. Here we are with some of the most popular and used applications for downloading YouTube videos.
You can choose from a variety of apps that will support your device or platform. Here is a list of apps for downloading videos from YouTube.
Top Best Apps to Download Videos from YouTube
This is one of the very easy YouTube downloader apps that you can download on your Android device. Just install it and you are good to go. The interface of this app is very much similar to the actual YouTube app. You can use this app like any other YouTube downloader app. One of the major differences in this app is that when you find a video, a green arrow will appear at the top of the application. After tapping on it you will be able to download different formats of the video and also you can extract the audio from the video.
Before you read further, check this comparison of Netflix vs Hulu video streaming services.
This app is an example of an application with simplicity. This app has some great features like downloading video and also this app contains other video options. In spite of this, the Videoder app has a cool and simple user interface. It works like any other YouTube video downloader application, but for watching videos you can use a video player on your Android device. You can install the app on Pc and iPhone as well.
It is one of the most complete apps to manage and download YouTube videos. This app can be operated in two different ways. Firstly, like any other app that was mentioned above. Just search for the videos and download them. Secondly, you can use the YouTube app and share videos by selecting a snap tube. You can also extract the MP3 audio from a video file. This app comprises of dashboard section from where you can manage your recent downloads.
So these were some of the best free apps available on the internet to download YouTube videos. You can go for any one of them depending on the device that you are using and enjoy the uninterrupted facility of watching YouTube videos. You can also download Thoptv for pc
iSkysoftiTube Studio
This app is available in three different versions i.e. Mac, Windows, and Android. It is one of the most highly recommended YouTube downloads from Android. This app can download any type of video from YouTube in high speed. You can also directly convert videos from one format to another while downloading. This app comprises with an in-built media player so that you can also play your videos after downloading.
You can try this app if you are looking for an Android YouTube downloader with the simplest methods to download YouTube videos on your Android device. This app is preloaded with some categories for YouTube videos. In spite of this feature, you can also download your own videos other than the categories mentioned in the app. Just tap on the video that you want and the download will start automatically.
If you wanted to download 4k YouTube videos on your Windows or Mac, then you can check this 4K YouTube video downloader.
we hope you have read this article and already downloaded the video downer app. If you have any questions about this post. Then must comment in the below section we will replay as soon as possible and must tell us which app is your favorite app. Thank you for visiting our website.

I am Sahar Rashid, a technology loving girl. I love to write about mobiles, computers and other technology stuff on my website. I am so excited about the latest technology updates in the tech industry so I also report the latest news and leaks about mobiles and especially the iPhone. I joined The Daily News Times 3 years ago as a Technology news reporter.