The menstrual cycle is a normal process for a girl when she reaches the age of puberty. It becomes a problem when the menstrual cycle is heavy and irregular. It is trouble for women to carry out a normal routine when the bleeding is heavy and may lead to severe anemia and other complications.
Normally a period lasts from 3 to 7days a week and the vicious cycle repeats after every 28 days on average. The menstrual cycle initiates at the age of 12 and this phase in life is termed as menarche. Menarche can range from 6 to 16 years of age, depending upon the environment and inheritance properties.
The intensity of pain in periods varies among women. Some women even feel vomiting and nausea during the periods, which causes discomfort. When women feel extreme pain then this condition is also called Dysmenorrhea.
Causes of Irregularity Of Menses:
Many factors cause irregularity in periods, some of them are:
- The stressing conditions of today’s environment.
- Usage of oral contraception methods for a long time
- Complications during previous pregnancies or miscarriages affect the timings in the menstrual cycle.
- Dietary changes in routine diet, like rapid gain or loss of weight through different methods available now a day cause adverse effects on the periods.
- Imbalances in hormones also cause periods to get irregular.
How To Reduce Or Resolve The Irregularities?
- You should do proper exercises daily.
- Take a good diet if you are facing the problem in the regularity of periods.
- Avoid stressful situations and try to remain calm.
- The usage of plenty of water is very essential.
- Stop using the usage of drugs, smoking, alcohol and other related products.
- Learn self-relaxation techniques to maintain the mental level and activity.
Which Periods Are Called Heavy Ones?
Some women suffer from heavy periods, which are irritating and problematic. The following conditions during periods indicate the heaviness of the periods:
- The secretion of blood is more than 80ml per periodic cycle.
- The bleeding lasts from 8 to 10 days every month.
- The bleeding causes pain for the whole periodic week.
- The bleeding makes a woman weak and lethargic.
- The bleeding occurs like a flood and a woman has to use large pads.
If the intensity of the periods and pain is hindering your routine activities with a large magnitude, then you should consult a GP or a good gynecologist.
Consulting A Doctor
After realizing the need to consult a doctor, you should visit a good Gynecologist who will then do some tests to check the functioning of your body organs. These tests include:
- Blood tests to check the composition of blood and deficiencies of blood components.
- Checking of infections if present.
- Pap smear test is done to check the symptoms of cervical cancer.
- Ultrasound scans
- Hysteroscopy is done to check the lining of the womb from inside by using a camera.
The best way to tackle the periods is to maintain the diet from an early age. You should remain cautious from the starting about any problem in periods. You should consult a doctor as soon as you find any problem with the regularity of the periods, without any delays.

I am doing my master’s degree at Bahauddin Zakariya University and at the same time, I am working as a news editor at “The Daily News Times”.