Burmese Government dismissed the younger Rohingya Alan Kurdi picture of face down in mud after washing up on the river bank. The child was drowned during the journey while fleeing from violence in Burma’s Rakhine State.
A heartbreaking picture of a baby boy whose face in the mud, showing the dead Rohingya child has evoked the memories of Syrian refugee Alan Kurdi who was found on a Turkish coast after he was drowned in Mediterranean Sea in 2015. Will the world take notice of it how and why he drowned in the river?
Burmese Government disclosed the identity of the baby boy as Mohammad Shohayet who was only 16-months old. The Rohingya boy was fleeing from Myanmar’s Rakhine State to Bangladesh along with his mother, three-year old elder brother and uncle but drowned.
Father Zafor Alan said in an interview to CNN, “When I see the picture, I feel like I would rather die” and “There is no point in me living in this world.” The viral image parallels with the baby boy who is a Syrian refugee and his body found dead on a Turkish coast after fleeing from civil war.
While talking to CNN, Zafor said, “In our village, helicopters fired guns at us, and the Myanmar soldiers also opened fire on us, we fled from our house and attempt to find a hideout in jungle” he added, “our entire village burn by military officials in which my grandmother and grandfather also burnt to death.” Zafor revealed he successfully escaped but after very hardships.

My name is Rashid Nawaz. I have completed my degree in Mass Communication from South Asia University, Lahore, Pakistan. I have started my career as a News reporter and editor from the local Newspaper and now I am writing for different News websites, The Daily News Times is one of those great sites.